The Hardest Person to Forgive Is Oneself

As I am writing my book on Values, Vision, and Gratitude, I thought that it might be valuable to bring in stories from my Phoenix Games days, a time when my values were so clear and my vision so vivid that an entire community formed around what I was building.

You might think that this would be an inspiring walk down memory lane. A chance to relive my glory days!

However, you might also observe that I do not, today, own a game store, run a Rocky Horror shadow cast, or lead a scifi convention. Something happened from then to now to change these things.

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Where Did Michael Whitehouse Come From?

Michael Whitehouse as the chair of Pi-Con in 2006.
That was me in 2006. More hair. Less gut. And running a sci fi convention.

For many people who know me, I sprang full formed out of the Earth in 2014 as a connector and master networker. At least that’s how it might seem. I built my network so rapidly, that my personal brand went straight from unknown to “guy who knows a guy”.

But before 2014, I walked this Earth for 34 years, and there’s a lot that happened in that time.

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