Excuses Versus Prerequisites

“When _______, I’ll start ________.” Is that an excuse or a valid statement?

Sometimes you legitimately need one thing to happen before another thing can happen. You can’t drive your car until someone shovels the driveway. You can’t go to work until you are dressed. You can’t eat dinner before someone cooks it.

Other things are clearly excuses. Consider these…

I’ll start exercising when the weather warms up.

I’ll focus on my business when the kids go back to school.

I’ll figure out a plan after I graduate.

Continue reading “Excuses Versus Prerequisites”

What Business and Life Coaches Can Learn From Sex Workers

They identify the right kind of potential clients, tease them with a preview sufficient to get them excited and into the right state of psychological arousal. At the proper moment, when the prospect is at peak excitement, they make their offer, and the client happily hands over their money for the services they are excited to receive.

Of course, what I am describing is the funnel sales process that many successful coaches use. Only a small proportion of coaches are actually able to use this strategy effectively while most struggle to get clients. If you are in the second group, you will find this article very interesting.

What coaches can learn from sex workers
Continue reading “What Business and Life Coaches Can Learn From Sex Workers”

The Paradox of Failure

What is the key to success?


Yes, failure.

The one thing that all successful people have in common is that they have failed… a lot! Like a whole lot.

Michael Jordan puts it this way:

I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.

Success only comes from one thing: trying. You will never succeed more times than you try. You will usually not succeed as many times as you try. Those times that you don’t succeed could be called failures.

It’s simple math. To succeed more, you must try more, and the byproduct of that is failing more.

This is one of the places where traditional education lets us down the most. In traditional education, you are taught a thing, given a test on it, and that is your grade: pass or fail. That’s it. Move on to the next thing.

Fail the test? Guess you’re a loser. On to the next thing. Try not to suck so much next time.

When you look at a college transcript, nothing on it tells you how hard the courses were that you took or how you stretched out of your comfort zone. All that it has is that GPA.

I graduated cum laude by taking easy courses. My transcript looks great. I was totally unprepared for real life because I had learned to avoid failure.

Since then, I have learned that failure does not matter. Failure is the background. It is like white on a canvas. Success is all that matters. Success is the paint on the canvas.

Try and try and try. Only the successes make the score board.

The clock keeps running whether you try or you hide. If you try and fail, you learn. If you don’t try, you just lose.

Michael Whitehouse is a networking coach and motivational speaker. If you’d like to have a call with Michael to talk about ways that you can embrace more success in your life, click here to schedule a complementary session.

Dan Mangena, Dream with Dan – Podcast Episode 72

Daniel Mangena made and lost millions twice before he was diagnosed with Autism in his late 20’s. His natural gift of systemization allowed him to spot opportunities but his natural inability to read and anticipate people would cost him his success until he learned how to harness it.

Not knowing how to quit, Daniel kept at it and launched a third business after his diagnosis in which he leveraged his unique advantages and compensated for his challenges, and now he teaches others to share the success he has found through his Micro to Millions program.

I learned a great deal from this interview, and you will too.

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Previous Episode: Allan Fine, The LinkedIn Wizard – Episode 71

Gratitude and Shiny Object Syndrome

My daughter has enough toys for three kids. Still, every time we go to a store, she wants to get a toy.

Perhaps this sounds familiar from your business?

How many books do you have that you haven’t read? How many courses have you paid for that you haven’t completed? How many networking connections have you yet to follow up on?

If the answer to those three questions is 0, then you have achieved enlightenment and can stop reading. For the rest of us, read on.

Not only do you have that stack of unread books, unfinished courses, and unfollowed up connections, but you’re still buying more books, signing up for more courses, meeting more people.

Why do we do this? We do it because we are unsatisfied with where we are in business or life. Being unsatisfied with our current situation, we assume that we must not have what we need. We look for the new shiny that will change everything.

What if I told you that the opportunity that will lead you to realization of your vision may already be in your hands?

When we think of gratitude, we often think of it as a tool to be happy with what we have. We may think of it as a way to be satisfied with settling, although that’s not quite accurate.

I would like to suggest that gratitude not only brings happiness today, but it can also lead you to success tomorrow.

When we lack gratitude and appreciation for the good things in out lives, we can overlook the opportunities and resources at our disposal. Our opportunities are part of our present life.

When we start to appreciate what we have, we start to appreciate what it can do for us.

Instead of always looking for a new book or idea, we can meditate on the ideas we already know and seek new solutions from them.

Instead of a new course or technique, we can focus on how to execute on the techniques we already have.

Instead of constantly seeking new connections, we can find ways to deepen our existing connections.

When we have gratitude for what we have, we feel less need to chase after the new shiny thing. The things we already have are often pretty shiny themselves.

Do you find yourself wasting time, money, and energy chasing after shiny objects rather than advancing your business, career, or life? Would you like to have more gratitude and appreciation for the shiny things you already possess? Schedule a free coaching session with Michael Whitehouse to build that gratitude and appreciation that will guide you to the right tools to live the life you want. Click here to schedule now.

Better an Awesome You than a Mediocre Knockoff

Profile photo of RJ Redden

I often see discussions on business forums on personal appearance and professional appearance. People will talk about having to dye their hair back to normal colors or hide the more colorful parts of their personality from their social media.

The solution is not to remove your unique elements. Rather it is to clearly lean in to them 100%. Be the most awesome and badass version of yourself.

Above is the LinkedIn profile picture for RJ Redden. She is a marketing consultant that I met at the Strategic Alliance Live conference last week. She was there, googles, cape, purple hair and all and not a single one of the hundreds of highly successful entrepreneurs in attendance blinked an eyelash at her attire.

In fact, the reason I know her is that our conversation started with me saying: “I don’t know you, but your goggles tell me I want to.” I was right. She’s awesome.

The place you get in trouble is when you are apologetically yourself. When you sneak into the room with purple hair and wonder how people will react. She didn’t wonder. She knew. Her demeanor said “If you have a problem with my googles, that’s your problem, not mine.”

It’s 2021 and all the rules are in flux. No one knows what the cultural norms are, so why not make your own.

By the way, she has this super cool personality assessment tool. You should go there and check it out.

You might enjoy my impactful daily Morning Motivation podcast. Less than 5 minutes a day to get you fired up and ready for greatness. Listen and subscribe at http://morningmotivation.fun.



What is swagger? It is a sense of comfort in the world. It’s taking the sense of familiarity you have on your home turf and taking it everywhere because the entire world is your home turf.

Have you ever been at a party and met someone you assumed was the host because they were so comfortable? That’s swagger.

Have you known someone who would cut through back hallways and “staff only” doors to get where they needed to go and no one ever questioned them? That’s swagger.

It’s not arrogance. If you’ve got swagger, you don’t need arrogance. Arrogance is what it looks like when someone pretends to have it but is secretly worried that they’ll be found out.

You’ve heard the expression “what could you do if you knew you could not fail?”

How about this one: “What could you do if you did not care if you failed?”

If you’ve got swagger, you don’t care if you fail because you know you can never really fail. You can try and succeed, or you can try and learn something.

Everyone feels imposter syndrome. Everyone looks at others who are better than them and wonders if they fit in among those great people.

Swagger is deciding that you do. It is acknowledging that you’re not the best and you don’t have to be because you’ve got something to offer and people are luck to have it.

You don’t need permission to have swagger. You don’t need success to have swagger. You just decide to have it.

It is as simple as that. It is as complicated as that.

It is as easy as that. It is as hard as that.

When you can master yourself to the degree that you can decide to have swagger, then you are entitled to it.

Would you like to find your swagger? That’s part of what a coach does. I help people get in touch with makes them powerful and develop that self mastery to get that swagger. To learn more, set up a complementary coaching session at http://michaelwhitehouse.coach.