Time Management – Do the Things That Do More Things

Time Management
Unless you have a Time Turner, I’m afraid you have the same time limitations as the rest of us.

Unless you are a wizard who controls time, you have the same 24 hours in the day as everyone else. How do you make the most of that time? Time management is about more than blocking time. It’s about prioritizing time.

In a recent group coaching session that I was leading, we discussed how to make the most of limited time resources.

If you can only do a few of the things on your to do list, one way to prioritize is by impact. The highest impact action is that which causes other action to be completed.

For example, if you have a staff member who is waiting for instruction before they can get to work, then your highest priority should be to give them instruction and assignment so they can get to work. Otherwise, they stand idle while you work on something else. Once assigned, now there are two people working instead of just one.

Another high priority is creating resources that facilitate action. If you find that you are explaining the same thing to many people you meet, you could instead create a landing page or web site with that information. Rather than having to explain it next time, you can just share the link.

I created an email sequence that tells people what I do, who I am, and what I offer. When I meet someone on social media, I am able to get their email and share a lot of information with them rather than having to retype my life story for them. This frees us up to have a more productive conversation.

Yesterday, I wrote a motivational article and, because I had created a landing page for my daily motivational message I could just drop that link at the end of it rather than having to explain what it was all about.

All parts of the process are important, but you should prioritize getting the team moving over doing your own work. Prioritize the landing page that you’ll be using for months over the email that will go out once. You should prioritize the automated email sequence over the individal message.

If you fail to create these efficiencies you may find yourself too busy repeating the same explanation to everyone to find the time to write down the explanation one time that you can share with everyone, and that’s just silly.

This topic came up during a recent coaching session of the Skills + Accountability = Success System, where students meet weekly to focus their strategies and burnish their skills to achieve maximum success. Visit the SASS web site to see if any groups are currently open for you to join.

How Do You See Yourself?

How Do You See Yourself?

How do you see yourself? What is your self perception?

The other day, I had someone approach me looking for assertiveness training. They felt that they did not stand up for themselves enough, and that people were able to walk all over them.

As it turned out, the lack of assertiveness was not the problem. It was the symptom of the problem.

The problem was that this person saw themselves as a person whose voice did not deserve to be heard. They did not see themselves as a person who had value to give to the world.

They did not believe they were worth the space they took up in the world.

I told them that assertiveness training would not be effective because it would be an act. It would not be authentic. They could not stand up for themselves because they did not believe they should.

All the training in the world would not help because it would feel like a lie, and the same subconsious block would prevent them from acting on the training as was already preventing them from saying what they should.

Rather than paper over the problem with technique, this person needs to delve deep into the causes of their insecurity. They need to sit with themselves to understand the purpose that they were placed on Earth for.

Every one of us is given a particular set of gifts: skills, talents, desires, ambitions, perceptions. These gifts give us the power and potential to be great, to affect the world in great ways, to make a difference.

Since we are given these gifts, we have the obligation to use them and to live in our greatness. To do otherwise would be to spurn God’s generous gifts to us.

So, how do you see yourself? Do you see yourself as one who is blessed by your creator with amazing gifts and an important mission? Or do you not see that?

And what are your gifts? What greatness are you placed on this Earth to achieve?

Every morning, I share a high energy motivational message right in your email. To sign up free, visit http://motivation.guywhoknowsaguy.com.

If you’d like to talk about your own self perception and what might be holding you back, let’s talk. Click here to schedule a call.

Jaimie Adler, Sips of the Vine and Bayleaf Communications – Podcast Episode 49

Jaimie Adler

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Website

Subscribe: Spotify Apple Podcasts | iHeartRadio

Does the idea of trying new and unique varieties of wine with people from all around sound appealing to you? Then you’ll enjoy our discussion with Jaimie Adler. She works with Sips of the Vine to create virtual wine tastings all around the country.

She is also a PR Princess with her company Bayleaf Communication where she has been a lifestyle publicist for over two decades.

To contact Jaimie Adler:
IG @the_vine_vixen
FB @sips of the vine vip
LI Jaimie Adler Palter

Episode Links:
Conference21 – February 20-21, 2021
Prepare for 2021 Goal Setting Workshop
Crush 2021 Motivational Series

Music Credit
Bits And Bytes by Claus Appel
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4688-bits-and-bytes
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Theme song produced by Patrick Howard of Four Unicorns Design

Previous Episode: Amy Flores, Travel Expert – Podcast Episode 48
Next Episode: J Bruce Jones, Bruce Jones Design – Podcast Episode 50

Amy Flores, Travel Expert – Podcast Episode 48

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Website

Subscribe: Spotify Apple Podcasts | iHeartRadio

“Every individual deserves magical memories”

Amy Flores has pivoted the skills earned in many years of non-profit leadership and operations to become a travel agent of a higher level. She can plan a great getaway with the best of them, but she can go a step beyond. Amy Flores specializes in the more challenging planning of trips for families that have members with disabilities.

She also also put these skills to work for coaches and businesses planning retreats. There are many small details to contend with, and Amy focuses on them, so the organizers can focus on their clients and participants.

In this episode, Amy will share the story of how she got to the level of business she is at and some useful tips.

I’ll also answer the question of how to reconsile gratitude and ambition.

Episode Links:
Conference21 – February 20-21, 2021
Prepare for 2021 Goal Setting Workshop
Crush 2021 Motivational Series

Guest Links:
LinkedIn Amy Flores

Music Credit
Bits And Bytes by Claus Appel
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4688-bits-and-bytes
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Summer Ambient Piano by Rafael Krux
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/5504-summer-ambient-piano-
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Theme song produced by Patrick Howard of Four Unicorns Design

Previous Episode: Mike Merrill, Publicly Traded Person – Podcast Episode 47
Next Episode: Jaimie Adler, Sips of the Vine and Bayleaf Communications – Podcast Episode 49

Mike Merrill, Publicly Traded Person – Podcast Episode 47

Mike Merril

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Website

Subscribe: Spotify Apple Podcasts | iHeartRadio

Mike Merrill is a publicly traded person. Back in 2009, he offered up shares of himself. When he has a decision to make, he puts it up for a shareholder vote, and generally it’s worked pretty well.

This is just the beginning of the story of one of the most unique and interesting guests we have had on The Guy Who Knows A Guy Podcast. If you had shareholders, they would vote for you to listen to this podcast.

Subscribe to The Guy Who Knows A Guy email list and be informed of every new episode.

Join the Confident, Connected, and Influential Facebook Group.

Music Credit
Bits And Bytes by Claus Appel
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4688-bits-and-bytes
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Summer Ambient Piano by Rafael Krux
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/5504-summer-ambient-piano-
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Theme song produced by Patrick Howard of Four Unicorns Design

Previous Episode: Jefferson Nunn – Podcast Episode 46
Next Episode: Amy Flores, Travel Expert – Podcast Episode 48

Dealing with Covid Analysis Paralysis

Analysis Paralysis

As we head into 2021, there is a great deal of uncertainty which can lead to analysis paralysis. Will Covid get under control or are we due for a months of lockdowns? Will the economy stabilize or will it plunge into recession?

The future is never predicable. We only have the illusion of predictability. In January 2020, you may have thought you had certainty, but that was not accurate.

How do you deal with uncertainty and make the crucial decisions that you need to make when planning for 2021?

Avoid Analysis Paralysis By Developing Scenarios

There is a continuum of scenarios that you could encounter over the next year which ranges from everything opens completely to everything shuts down completely.

If we break that down to three for simplicity, let’s call them Scenarios A, B, and C.
A – Covid goes away and everything returns to normal
B – Things continue as they are with uncertainty, occasional shutdowns, and economic instability
C – Full lockdown for an extended period.

Consider any plan you are considering against all three scenarios. The first question should be “does this plan allow my business to survive all three scenarios?” If there is a scenario in which your business fails, then you’re taking a big gamble. This is playing defense, making sure you don’t lose before you can win.

Next you ask “does my business thrive in one or more of these scenarios with this plan?” Now, we’re on offense, finding ways to win.

Within each scenario, figure out the best and worse case scenarios of any plan you’re considering. There’s more uncertainty than just Covid. Will customers respond to your marketing? Will your product supply stay consistent? Will your staff perform as you expect?

Looking at the plan, if it bombs, does it take the business down with it? If it hits big, is the dividend worth the risk?

The Importance of Structure in Planning

Analysis paralysis is often created by not having a rubric to apply to the analysis. By looking through the lens of these three scenarios, you have a structure to your thinking. You can then apply any possible plan to his process and run projections from there.

You may want to get more detailed in the scenarios, applying actual numbers or data or keep them vague like this, depending on your process.

I’d like to know what you think? Is it helpful to look at the uncertain future in terms of scenarios?

Working on figuring out how to best approach 2021? I’m running a series of free webinars to help build our your goals and plans.

Join me for some great planning.

Jefferson Nunn – Podcast Episode 46

Jefferson Nunn

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Website

Subscribe: Spotify Apple Podcasts | iHeartRadio

A fascinating conversation with crypto entrepreneur Jefferson Nunn. Jefferson is a entrepreneur, non-profit leader, software developer and more. I found him to be a kindred spirit, finding opportunities in all adversity and never accepting excuses.

He said “The only way I stop is if I’m dead.”

Jefferson’s Links
Check out his blockchain podcast 1Confirmation.
Personal web site
Code Warriors
Biotoxin Foundation

Other Links

Guy Who Knows A Guy Links
Network to a Job in 21 Days Program
Skills + Accountability = Success Program
Michael Whitehouse’s Mission

Subscribe to The Guy Who Knows A Guy email list and be informed of every new episode.

Join the Confident, Connected, and Influential Facebook Group.

Music Credit
Bits And Bytes by Claus Appel
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4688-bits-and-bytes
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Theme song produced by Patrick Howard of Four Unicorns Design

Previous Episode: David Haberfeld – Podcast Episode 45
Next Episode: Mike Merrill, Publicly Traded Person – Podcast Episode 47

David Haberfeld – Podcast Episode 45

David Haberfeld

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Website

Subscribe: Spotify Apple Podcasts | iHeartRadio

We bring back David Haberfeld (from episode 24) to share his entrepreneurial insights.

In this episode we start with a fascinating discussion based on an audience question. We explore issues of eviction, justice, and why property rights benefit tenants as well as landlords.

Also in this episode:

  • How not paying your rent is a form of theft (as is shorting wages)
  • Why it’s a bad time to flip houses but a good time to buy a restaurant
  • How to rebuild credit
  • There’s a million ways to make money

Subscribe to The Guy Who Knows A Guy email list and be informed of every new episode.

Join the Confident, Connected, and Influential Facebook Group.

Theme song produced by Patrick Howard of Four Unicorns Design

Bits And Bytes by Claus Appel
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4688-bits-and-bytes
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Previous Episode: Pooja Agnihotri, CMO Bizadmark, Podcast Episode 44

Raise Your Own Minimum Wage

We hear a lot about how hard it is to live on the minimum wage in the United States. It’s true. The federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. That’s about $250 per week or $1,000 per month. That’s less than the cost of a one bedroom apartment where I live.

In a recent video, I discussed the fact that we must all think about ways to raise our own minimum wage.

Continue reading “Raise Your Own Minimum Wage”