Did You Make Good Choices or Have Good Choices?


There is a concept that I heard recently which was quite intriguing. Instead of saying “They made good choices,” say “They had good choices.”

It is an expression of the fact that our society is very unequal and quite unfair, two sentiments which I must absolutely agree with. It is part of a broader set of messaging, the upshot of which is that fundamental changes must be made at a political level to return fairness to our system. I can’t disagree with that either.

On the idea of “making” versus “having” good choices, however, it took me some time to come to grips with how I feel about it.

On the one hand, it is quite valid. Some people are just presented with better choices than others. If your choices include “what should I do with this small million dollar loan?” then your outcomes are likely going to be better than “which low wage job should I take?”

On the other hand, the concept is fantastically disempowering, and that is very dangerous.

We all have choices, and some of choices are better than others. Better choices are often harder choices. If we believe that we are given choices rather than taking them, then we may become fatalistic, choosing the easy path because we do not believe that the hard path will pay off.

We also often have choices we don’t realize we have. If we internalize this concept of having choices presented to us, then we merely choose from the choices presented rather than seeking solutions.

At any crossroads, there is always a better choice and a worse choice. Your better choice may be far worse than another person’s worst option, but that is not relevant. There’s no scoreboard. The only thing that matters is whether you are living your own best life, not how your life compares to anyone else’s.

For one person, their best choice may be to engage in real estate investment and become a millionaire. For another person, their best choice may be to simplify their life to reduce expenses and live on very little income but find satisfaction and fulfillment in other aspects.

There are some people who have lucked into success. Good for them. For others, however, the story often begins when they decided that they would achieve some goal. They did not know how they would achieve it, but they made the decision to find a way.

When they did that, they started to become aware of choices that they did not previously realize they had. It’s like when you buy a silver Honda Civic and suddenly see silver Honda Civics all over the place. They were always there, but you didn’t recognize them until you had a reason to see them.

Even if the goal is seemingly impossible, it creates a broader vision and awareness of a better world.

I have goals that I set twenty years ago that I am not much closer to today than I was when I set them, but the existence of the goal has let me to make choices which allowed me to learn, grow, and have experiences that have made me wiser, stronger, and generally live a better, more fulfilled life.

When I express these concepts, some people will object that I am blaming poor and even disabled people for their lot. This is absurd. The atrocious state of poverty in our society is the result of heartless, amoral, and Godless policies that have been inflicted on our nation for the past forty years, and the disability system is a nightmare that is truly difficult to comprehend for someone who has not experienced it.

As a society, it is imperative that we make structural changes to fix an economy that leaves a massive portion of our population one event away from homelessness and starvation.

But I do not coach societies. I coach people. When one is coaching someone, one does not spend a great deal of thought on how the client got where they are. The primary focus is on how to get them where they want to go.

If I find someone in the water, clinging to a piece of wood from a shipwreck, I’m not going to waste a lot of words on what was wrong with the ship that led it to sink. I’m going to focus on finding ways to get them out of the water.

No matter your situation, if you still have years remaining in your life, you have choices. Some of those choices are better than others, and having a vision of a better future will let you see choices you did not realize you had.

This is true if you are running a multimillion dollar business. This is true if you live in a box under a bridge with nothing but the clothes on your back.

This doesn’t mean that there is necessarily a set of choices that will get you from the bridge to the boardroom. This does not mean that the right choices are easy ones (they rarely are). This does not mean you are playing on an even playing field.

The game may be rigged, but it’s the game you’re playing.

You want to try to change the game? That’s great. But it’s not going to change today, tomorrow, or next week. While trying to change the world, it is imperative to also try to change your world, if for no other reason than to build your resources to change the world.

It does you no favors to believe that the choices you make do not matter.

We are all the sum of all the choices we have ever made. Some of us have had better options, and others worse, but the fact that those choices led us to this day and this place remains undeniable.

This is not just talk. What I do is help people identify the better choices they do have available and pursue them. Maybe you don’t think you have good options, or you aren’t sure what they might be. I would like to help you. That is why I offer a free coaching session to anyone who would like to talk. There is no cost and no obligation. My purpose is to get you in the right direction, and what you do after that is entirely up to you.

To sign up a for a free session, use the form below.

Jennifer Hirschberg-Wise, Radiant Journey – Podcast Episode 63

In July 2017, Jennifer Hirschberg-Wise founded her business Radiant Journey LLC, Occupational Therapy & Integrative Wellness Services to bridge the different modalities that have enhanced her life, personally and professionally. Jennifer brings her extensive trainings and understanding of human anatomy, joint alignment, muscular engagement, exercise and importance of meaningful occupation and holistic approaches to her clients, focusing on each individual’s journey. Custom tailoring each session or visit to support the client’s needs, she sets the intention in sacred space to honor a person where he or she is currently at emotionally and physically to facilitate a client’s growth to reach his or her highest potential. 

See Jennifer and many more great speakers at Conference21.

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Confident, Connected, and Influential Facebook Group
Morning Motivation

Music Credit
Bits And Bytes by Claus Appel
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4688-bits-and-bytes
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Previous Episode: Rob Tull, Path2 Coaching – Podcast Episode 62

Rob Tull, Path2 Coaching – Podcast Episode 62

Rob Tull is an author, speaker, and success coach. As an executive and parent, he experienced the stress and burnout that drains energy and happiness, and derails success. Through his experience, training, and studies, he rediscovered his passion and energy, and found his new path for success and fulfillment; his Path2. He lives and embodies the Path2 philosophy.  He is passionate about progress and his mission is to educate and empower others to create progress in their lives and shape their paths according to their desires. Learn more about Rob!

See Rob and many more great speakers at Conference21.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Website
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Other Links:
Confident, Connected, and Influential Facebook Group
Morning Motivation

Music Credit
Bits And Bytes by Claus Appel
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4688-bits-and-bytes
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Previous Episode:
Karen Etchells, Innovast Digital Marketing – Podcast Episode 61

Karen Etchells, Innovast Digital Marketing – Podcast Episode 61

Karen Etchells of Innovast Digital Marketing shares her expertise on social media, marketing, branding, and finding your voice in this Internet world.

See Karen and many more great speakers at Conference21.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Website
Subscribe: Spotify Apple Podcasts | iHeartRadio

Other Links:
Confident, Connected, and Influential Facebook Group
Morning Motivation

Music Credit
Bits And Bytes by Claus Appel
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4688-bits-and-bytes
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Previous Episode: Daniel Greenwolf, Celtic Magician – Podcast Episode 60

Daniel Greenwolf, Celtic Magician – Podcast Episode 60

Daniel Greenwolf

Daniel Greenwolf is a Celtic magician, Faire runner, Podcaster, Ginger and so much more. Join us for a fascinating conversation that ranges from magic to business to kids to family to life to zobs of mombies!

The Greenwolf Podcast

See Daniel Greenwolf at Conference21.

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Other Links:
Confident, Connected, and Influential Facebook Group
Morning Motivation

Music Credit
Bits And Bytes by Claus Appel
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4688-bits-and-bytes
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Previous Episode: Van Sturgeon – Podcast Episode 59

Van Sturgeon – Podcast Episode 59

Interview with Van Sturgeon, entrepreneur, real estate investor, general contractor and more discussing his strategy for helping real estate investors to avoid the fear of renovations.

Instagram: @vansturgeon
Facebook : vansturgeon
Email: info@vansturgeon.com
Residence: Toronto, Ontario Canada
Company: Van Sturgeon
Website: www.vansturgeon.com

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Website
Subscribe: Spotify Apple Podcasts | iHeartRadio

Music Credit
Bits And Bytes by Claus Appel
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4688-bits-and-bytes
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Evan Rabin, Premier Chess – Episode 58

Evan Rabin is a national chess master and the owner of Premier Chess. For centuries Chess has been more than a game. It has been a way for people to learn the fundamentals of strategy, planning, patience, and victory.

Evan Rabin teaches Chess, but he also teaches life and business.

We are excited to have him speaking at Conference21 in February.

Check out the Premier Chess Twitch Channel.

Connect with Evan at evan@premierchess.com.

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Subscribe: Spotify Apple Podcasts | iHeartRadio

Other Links:
Confident, Connected, and Influential Facebook Group
Morning Motivation

Music Credit
Bits And Bytes by Claus Appel
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4688-bits-and-bytes
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Previous Episode: Michael O’Brien, Peloton Executive Coaching – Podcast Episode 57

Michael O’Brien, Peloton Executive Coaching – Podcast Episode 57

Michael O’Brien, one of our great Conference21 speakers, is the Chief Shift Officer at Peloton Executive Coaching and serves on The Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association Global Board. As a coach, speaker, and best-selling author, he helps leaders build resilience and prevents bad moments from turning into a bad day. He has shared his personal transformational Last Bad Day story and leadership advice on the TEDx stage, with Fortune 500 companies, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Real Simple, ABC, and NBC.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Website

Subscribe: Spotify Apple Podcasts | iHeartRadio

Other Links:
Confident, Connected, and Influential Facebook Group
Morning Motivation
See Michael O’Brien at Conference21

Music Credit
Bits And Bytes by Claus Appel
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4688-bits-and-bytes
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Next Episode: Evan Rabin, Premier Chess – Podcast Episode 58
Previous Episode: Lara Hocheiser, Grow and Flow Kids Yoga – Podcast Episode 56

Lara Hocheiser, Flow and Grow Kids Yoga – Podcast Episode 56

In this fun and broad ranging interview, Lara Hocheiser of Flow and Grow Kids Yoga, talks with me about everything from raising strong independent kids to the value of creating content and a few more things in between.

At Conference21, Lara Hocheiser will be speaking about the importance of creating content and the places it can take you.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Website

Subscribe: Spotify Apple Podcasts | iHeartRadio

Other Links:
Confident, Connected, and Influential Facebook Group
Morning Motivation

Music Credit
Bits And Bytes by Claus Appel
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4688-bits-and-bytes
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Previous Episode: Carole Mahoney, Unbound Growth – Podcast Episode 55

Survival May Be the First Step Toward Your Goals

I talk a lot about goals and knowing your ultimate objective. Some people push back that they can’t think about big goals right now with all that is happening. They are focused on survival. That’s all they can focus on.

Survival is the first step to success.

Imagine a ship captain sailing from London to New York. During the ordinary part of the journey, he focused on many things: the exact course, finding the best currents to achieve the best speed, crew efficiency and discipline, and more. All of these are in service of getting to New York as quickly as possible.

Then a storm comes up. High waves. Unpredictable winds. At any moment the ship may threaten to capsize or break up.

When the storm first begins, the captain is still trying to maintain the course to New York while fighting the storm. The storm gets worse. The captain no longer cares where New York is. The only focus is keeping the ship afloat in the storm.

The captain has not forgotten his goal. He knows that eventually the ship will sail into New York. Additional steps have been added before that goal can be achieved. His focus must be on fighting the storm from minute to minute.

At that point, working for survival is working towards his goals.

Every minute he keeps the ship sailing is one minute closer to the goal, no matter what direction the bow is facing.

When the storm passes, as it will, entirely without the Captain’s help, that part of the challenge is complete, and the course to New York can be resumed. The ship and crew will be ready and engaged to that task. The storm may have set them back some, but the capability of reaching the goal is not reduced.

The same may be true in your life. The storms in your life may be unexpected child care and education duties. They may be illness in your family. They may be an inability to work due to the quarantine. They may be your sense of isolation and fear.

I hope you do have goals, but the goals may need to become more flexible. Time restrictions may need to be altered or removed. The goal of “buy a house by 2022” may be changed to “buy a house.”

If you are in the storm, your job is to survive the storm, and in so doing you are working towards your goals.

We focus so much on progress because many of us do the same thing day in day out, year in year out, and nothing ever changes because we do not work towards change. In a storm, it is different. The factor that holds us back is external, not internal, and external factors eventually resolve themselves.

Like the storm, the child car issues, the illness, the quarantine, the economy, the isolation, all that will pass in their own in time. You cannot hasten their departure, and if they are preventing your progress, then you need only mark time until they are done.

Not all of us are facing a storm. It is important to do an honest assessment. Are the unusual conditions of these times actually stopping you or just slowing you down? If you are merely slowed, or possibly even not slowed at all, then you do not want to make the mistake of assuming you can just wait and things will get better.

But if you are deep in the storm and the ship is barely afloat, then your job is to keep the ship sailing. You need to stay afloat so that when the storm ends (and it will end) you are ready to resume sailing to your destination.

When that time comes, everything that made you great and strong and successful before will still be there. This time it will be augmented by everything you learned and all the strength you gained surviving the storm.

As you focus on survival, occasionally spare a thought for that distant goal. It’s still there, and you will still reach it. Remind yourself that you are not surviving for the mere purpose of survival. You are surviving to reach the time after the storm when you’ll move into the next stage of pursuing your goal.

Every storm ends, and yours will as well.

Do you find yourself storm tossed and aren’t sure what you should be doing now? Let’s talk. Click here to schedule a free, no obligation coaching session to help get you on course.